Monday, December 20, 2010

30 Day Workout Challenge ~ Day 24

I'm on Day 24 of my 30 Day Workout Challenge.  At the beginning of this challenge - I told myself I was going to weigh myself once a week.  So after busting my bootie each week - I would get on the scale on Saturday morning (telling myself in my head...light as a feather...thin as a board ~ remember saying that when you were younger?) and I was disappointed 2 weekends in a row.

So I decided ~ forget the scale.  It was very deflating to not see the silly little number change.  I have a completely different view now...I'm not stepping on the scale.  You might wonder - well how is she tracking per progress...I'm judging my progress on how I feel.  Stronger...Lighter...Healthier. (And trying on my tight jeans and feeling them looser! :))

I've been doing a wide variety of workouts ~ running, personal training, spinning, cardio kick boxing, sculpting classes, DVD's (physique 57 and rockin models workout) and my new discovery The Dailey Method.  You can read what I've done every day here on my Facebook page.

I've done the Dailey Method for the last 4 days and I have to say - I've felt so much stronger doing this workout and I've actually discovered my triceps.  I am shocked that lifting a little 2 pound weight is actually changing my muscles.  Each time I've gone to a class - it has been different which I love.

So you might ask - what is this amazing workout that I'm loving:  The Dailey Method is similar to Physique 57.  It's a unique combination of ballet barre work, core conditioning, stretching (lord know I need that) and orthopedic exercises.  You move through the exercises very quickly - so your heart rate stays up.

When we are in Arizona over Christmas ~ I'm going to the Scottsdale Dailey Method with my sister and niece.  I'm pretty confident they'll be hooked too.

Something to live by {Life is full of setbacks.  Success is determined by how you handle setbacks.}  Remember I handled the scale setback by not using that as a form of measuring success.

~ Caryl

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