Monday, December 19, 2011

{holiday inspiration} the embellished chair

Last week was a crazy busy week...

We produced our final event of the year.  Baked some Brownie-O's for the little mister's school holiday party.  Prepped the ornament craft that his class did.  Started the weekend off with two holiday parties and Sunday...Christmas shopping.

Now it's time to completely focus on C H R I S T M A S!!!  Yay! I need to work on my holiday table so I thought I would start today's inspiration with the chair.   Do you fancy up your chairs when you are creating your holiday table?  If so - here are some ideas that I liked.

row 1:: apples, pine cones, pine cones
row 2:: wreath, wreath, candy cane


  1. Hi Caryl - I think I've pinned some of your same choices! I love a decorated chair, and that's why the Double the Fun Parties Etsy shop offers chair cover pockets: decor and function all in one!

  2. Love your chair covers Jennifer. Just checked them out. They are really cute.

  3. LOVE those chairs!!! What a beautiful addition to any holiday table!

  4. Wow, great choices, Caryl! I have never decorated my chairs.... These make me wanna try!


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